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European Sickle Cell Disease Summit for Patients, Carers, and Patient advocates:  Sept 24-25th, 2021 Theme:  Challenges of Sickle Cell Disease in Europe

ESCF Summit Day 1-September 24th

Newborn and Maternal Screening A Multi-National Review and Comparison A Canadian Perspective

Keynote Improving Health Outcomes for Patients with Sickle Cell Disease in Europe

Research and Clinical trial in General

Beyond Hydroxyurea New and Emerging Therapies

Harmonising approaches to Newborn Screening in the EU Gulcin Gumus, Euordis

Self Introduction Prof Corina McMahon, Childrens Health, Ireland


Digital Health ,Lifestyle and Behavioral Interventions in SCD

An Overview on Ern EuorbloodNet Initiatives for SCD

The Irish Experience Prof Corina McMahahon, Children’s Health, Ireland.

Q and A Session


UK NHS SCT Screening Programme & Collaboration with the Sickle Cell Society

ESCF Summit Day 2-September 25th

Europe-Prof Baba Inusa, Paediatric Haematology, King’s College, London

Mental Health in SCD: Support & Follow-up Beyond Emergency Department & Hospital Admission

Depression, Anxiety, and the Neuropsychological Effects of Sickle Cell Disease

Holistic Treatments in SCD Herbal and Non Drug Remedies

Q and A DAY 2

Sickle Cell Disease Prevalence Stigma, Facts & Misconceptions

Beyond Hydroxyurea New and Emerging Therapies Dr Melanie Kirby, Sickids Hospital,Canada

COVID 19 and Sickle Cell Disease What You Need to Know


Our Mission is to engage in a united, unique and strong voice for Sickle Cell patients, family members, carers, and all national patient organisations of people with Sickle Cell Disease.

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