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Our Mission
Our Mission

The mission is to engage in a united, unique and strong voice for Sickle Cell patients, family members, carers, and all national patient organisations of people with Sickle Cell Disease and related conditions in Europe by promoting, enabling, enhancing and fostering of their ability to improve the quality of health, life, and services for all patients.

Our Vision
Our Vision

The association shall be the united voice of all new and existing Sickle cell patients, parents and organisations in Europe, to promote, enable and foster their needs, through the provision, promotion and strengthening of a strategic and collaborative alliance among all Sickle Cell patients across Europe.

Promotion & Strength
Promotion & Strength

To promote and strengthen health literacy of Sickle cell among all patient organisations within Europe, medical and scientific professionals, service providers, government departments in every European country to combat the effects of Sickle cell disease as a public health priority, ensuring elimination of inequalities and discrimination to care.

One. United. Voice.

Empower & Encourage
Empower & Encourage

Enable, empower, and encourage active participation and involvement of patients and patient groups in promoting the development of new strategies, frameworks, policies, and scientific research towards Sickle cell treatments, and management, based on patient centred healthcare to improve the quality of life for all.

New-Born Screenings
New-Born Screenings

Work with major stakeholders in all European countries to establish and promote the urgent need for universal new-born screening for Sickle cell disease and other anaemias, for early interventional programmes and better patient outcomes.

Help Urgent Treatment
Help Urgent Treatment

To advance, promote and encourage the urgent need for blood, bone marrow and stem cell donation among all European citizens and residents of African, Asian, or Mexican heritage and non-indigenous Caucasian to help in the treatment of all those in needing this specific medical treatment.

Become a Member

The European Sickle Cell Federation is open to all European Sickle Cell organisations that strive to improve the lives of those living with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).


Our Mission is to engage in a united, unique and strong voice for Sickle Cell patients, family members, carers, and all national patient organisations of people with Sickle Cell Disease.

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